
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

SAT scores lowest in four

I just learned that SAT scores are at the lowest point in four decades! Seriously??? What is going on in our society?? I blame it totally on over-use of technology and lack of parenting. Let's face it, parents don't spend enough one-on-one time with their kids. Do you know what your kids are doing in school? When is the last time you checked your highschooler's backpack, for something other than illegal substances? When was the last time you went on their teacher's websites, to see what is going on...and then GET involved?? Do you even know who their teachers are? Have you met them? Have you been inside each classroom your child spends hours in each day??? If you haven't, then shame on you. Get it together, your kid needs you. Put down your cell phone or ipad, and get your butt in gear. Just because they are in high school, doesn't mean they don't need you! Are you intimidated by the material they are learning? Fine, that's what tutoring sessions at school are for (and before/after school time with the teacher), so SET IT UP!! Quit making excuses, and get involved!

Monday, June 4, 2012

"It's a Dry Heat"....

I am so tired of people referring to our oppressive, disgusting, life sucking heat as "just a dry heat". Really?? Would that be similar to putting your head in a dry, heat oven? Now that sounds lovely. How about getting into your car that has been sitting out in the "dry heat"? Is that suppose to feel good? Is this supposed dry heat, incapable of making the steering wheel too hot to handle? I don't think so! Does it make exercising, tolerable? No! Does it make the asphalt cooler to the shoe"less" foot? No! How 'bout the car door handle, does the dry heat make that less excruciating to the touch? No! I know, it must really help with opening your mailbox, right? NOT! So enough about our heat being "dry". Heat is heat, now excuse me while I go fry an egg on the sidewalk!

Friday, January 20, 2012

People who criticize but don't have the balls to write anything themselves

These are the side-line, armchair, grumpy critics that think they are smarter, brighter, "more enlightened" in the English language,and are always pointing out others' mistakes while thinking they have none. These are usually people who never comment on anything someone writes, and I mean EVER. They find every "typo" and are certain it is a "mistake". They disagree with blatantly voicing an opinion, yet complain when things don't go their way. They hide behind their ipad screens, scrutinizing every comment, punctuation placement and grammatical error, as if they have never made one. But how would anyone know??? They never write anything!!! Maybe a sentence here or there. But they don't put themselves out there to be judged. They are overly concerned with what "friends" on facebook think of them, which paralyzes them when thinking about actually voicing their opinion. Not wanting to be associated with "that kind of thinking" they read others' comments on facebook, but never "like" them. What are they so afraid of????  Don't like what people write? Call 1-800-STOP-READING!!  Recently I spelled peruse incorrectly in an article, I was fully aware of the mistake but couldn't get back into the publishing tool to change it. So I left it there. Glaring off the page was a HUGE mistake, read by over 1,000 people!! OMG!!!!!!!!! Do I care?? No, I don't. Mistakes make us human, through them we learn. I now know how to correctly spell peruse!!! I can also use it correctly in a sentence: Please peruse my writing and take from it what you will!!!!!

Moms on their cell phones while driving and trying to take care of children~

You know exactly who I'm talking about. That black SUV whose driver has their cell phone in their hand. Usually there are several children (not secured) roaming around the back of the car. There are usually at least five to seven "family" stickers on the back window (along with two dogs and three cats). They are usually in the "slow" lane, thinking they are being "safe" as they text and attempt to drive (as if being in this lane will somehow make it "safer"). They are the ones in front of you during drop off time at school when the bell is about to ring, who hog the curb, don't pull forward, talk to their friends, and ignore their screaming kids. If they do get out of their vehicles at school, their cell phone is still glued to their face while their child begs for their attention. What could possibly be so important that they ignore their child?? You know they don't work. You see them laughing while talking, so obviously this isn't an "emergency" call they are on. They are just making a choice. They are choosing their phone over their kids. Scrambling to get the next text message, they are putting their children at risk while on the road. They pull in front of you, drive too slowly, nearly miss every center divide (you know that jerking motion you see when they realize they are heading right into something and swerve haphazardly back into their lane). This is all leading to a generation of " attention deprived due to cell phones" (Generation:  ADDCP). These children will do anything to get a parent off of their cell phone. Tantrums abound, while the perplexed parent looks to the school or teacher as the problem. Hello, look in the mirror! You are the problem! Put your cell phone down and pay attention to your kids!!!